Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Direct sale dodginess

Recently i had a very interesting week. I got myself a job, i got myself a very bad job. It was selling credit cards to peoplein the street, i was one of those annoying people who hassle you in malls. The reason i did it was i needed money and i got the job the day i applied. I quit seven days after i started. But i'm very glad i did it, basically just because of the insight into businesses like that.

It was a comission based job. sign someone up and get $30, the company gets around $30 as well. Most of the sales people will only get around 0ne to three sales a day. So working for 10 hours you might make $90.The jobs is terrible for the worker, but for the company? well they have something like 200 people out in the field every single day. So even if we all only get a single sale each,thirty dollars for a days work, the company still rakes in six thousand dollars every day.

So why do people do this work? well the turn over is massive. i'd say more than half the people quit within the first week. But the companies that do this have a very rapid promotion system. So if you work there for around 6 months you will have worked up to a team leader spot and get a cut of what your team makes, stay for around a year and a bit and then you're an owner. They then let you start your own company somewhere else. So you move somewhere else with you new team, who get paid shit while you rake it in.

The only reason this currently works is that there is still room in the market for these companies to expand. But once they run out of shopping mall spots, they won't be able to keep creating new companies etc. They also spend more than half of their time just recruiting people. They must hire around 20 to 50 new people a week to make up for the ones who quit after a few days.

What i just don't get is that with all the ways to make money in the world, why do people keep choosing ways that rely on other people getting screwed to work? I mean there are plenty of business models in which workers get well paid and the owner gets well paid and the customer even gets a good price. But these pigs think that they have the right to do this sort of thing.
What makes me sick is you see businessmen in their slick cars, in slick suits and they think that they are it. They think they are a big deal, they think they are smart and clever. People blindly admire their luxury, without asking where it comes from. They are drug dealers, they are slave owners, they are pimps.They make their money fucking other people. So why should i respect them? Would i respect someone who has a nice house but got his money from plantation slavery? no, so why should i respect a person who is rich because they commit legal crimes.

Cast your vote in the brand name ballot box, vote big business,vote one sweatshop. What kind of world are we really building when the west wears clothes made by eastern children? when making money is your only ambition, we create a world like anapocalypse vision. when the luxury of the western world is funded by the rest of the worlds misery, we see clearly. That capitalism isn't a blessing but a disease.

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